Jerri P Beasley

The Holy Ghost Drive by

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The Holy Ghost Drive by

(25 Reviews)
  • Book Details

    My Book. The Holy Ghost Drive by
    Is simply conversations God has with me on a Daily basis and allows me to share with others , just in case they have the same questions He has given me insight on. It all started with just writing a daily word of inspiration on my social media but many requested that I would turn it into a Daily Devotional that they could send to those that weren't on Social media but could use a good shot of truth. It is entitled Holy Ghost Driveby because trust it will hit your street some shape form or fashion.


Hear from Our Satisfied Readers The Joy Our Books Bring

This book is great if you need motivation to complete a task and are coming against opposition from yourself and others who might want to thwart your plans. Very easy to read, punchy and to the point. Some scripture is sprinkled throughout, but I felt the book was more motivational and than devotional--nuggets of wisdom you would receive from a trusted aunt.


WOW!!! I have read MANY Devotionals but NONE like this one! Short, simple, direct and to the point! It is definitely an eye opener and tear jerker!!! This book makes you think back over you life and reflect on the pointless things that we have allowed; that has kept us locked up from our BEST now. It is amazing how you can think a thing; then the next morning it pops up in the Devotional. This book has really brought a lot of things to the light of me and how my next is totally up to me!! The confirmations; the affirmations, the realization of the who, what, when and why's of life!! I am in AWE and it has been a Blessing to be able to get full off of the meat in this 30 Day Devotional!!! Thank You!!!

Evangelist Katrice KAT Jones

This Devotional revealed something in me each day!! It was amazing how it was lined up with what was currently going on in my life. A must read for all and something on my read again list. Thank you for being real and transparent to help reflect on scenarios that happen daily and/or weekly. 3am wake ups are real and you have to go with them and allow them to heal you. Awesome read!!

Christina Harvey

Power packed- straight shooting- take no prisoners! The readings left me with no question as to which step I needed to take next. Guidance and wisdom for your spiritual walk with the Lord can definately be received each day. After day 31, you will feel as though you have superpowers and will feel strong enough to take on any giant that comes onto your path towards spiritual greatness.

Amazon Customer

As a business owner and single mother of an active high schooler this book was appreciated for its straight to the point uncut serving of motivation! She gave it as real and vividly as possible! I loved it!! Daily, I was able to check myself, readjust my mindset, and get back to businesses!!! A must read!!!!

Rachel Williams

This daily devotional was very encouraging! I looked forward to reading each day. Had to discipline myself to not read Truly helps you to dig deep in thought. Great read 💚

lavia brown

This devotional was absolutely FIRE!! This is a must read for all women. Each day unpacked something to apply on a daily basis. Can't wait to see what God has in store for you next.
